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Rate 7/10 This manga not supposed to be 'shota' but her drawing make it just like that. He...

Miss. T December 14, 2013 2:24 pm

Rate 7/10
This manga not supposed to be 'shota' but her drawing make it just like that.
Her drawing a bit stiff and she absolutely suck at drawing older woman and men.
Cliche... cliche... cliche every where...
But, I quite enjoy the story and Hokuto is 'ikemen' and Hokuto kind of reminds me with Harry Potter, bespectacled, messy hair, green eyes...
Oh, yes Harry, you have a fake smile.

Enjoy! (。◝‿◜。)

    Anonymous December 27, 2013 9:40 am

    Bitch plz like u can draw better if her drawing sucks don't read it whore. Fuck stupid ass, if u read it again then ur fucken stupid as to put this comment. Maybe ur jus jealous of her greatest drawing then urs. Compare to her drawing to urs, hers is better so shut ur big ass mouth bitch

    Anonymous December 27, 2013 10:49 am

    Wow, so much hate. Calm your tits! She didn't totally trash talk the manga. Of course everything has its good and bad side.

    Anonymous March 3, 2014 8:39 am

    People, calm down. It's a COMMENT, an OPINION. She is right; the author can't draw older men, they often look the same age as the college boys the story follows. It doesn't mean she didn't like the story, she rated it 7/10!

    Diabolical June 10, 2014 12:16 pm

    Wiah dude I would rate it 9/10 cuz her drawing is not stiff why don't u go read more more manga u shithole

    Momo-chan September 20, 2014 1:58 pm
    Wiah dude I would rate it 9/10 cuz her drawing is not stiff why don't u go read more more manga u shithole @Diabolical

    Lol~ Some people are just too...fanatic, I guess...