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Where are we in this world the 1930s? That kind of inefficient method to obtain the cure f...

I don't understand the reasoni April 27, 2019 1:37 pm

Where are we in this world the 1930s? That kind of inefficient method to obtain the cure for ID honestly doesn't fly in the modern world where we could sequence genomes and transfect other organisms to express the genes that they're interested in. We don't fking extract dog pancreases continuously to extract the small amount of insulin they can get. We use big boii synthetic insulin. I don't see why research on that could not occur especially since we are capable of synthesizing DNA and finding the corresponding genes that could match with the cure. May take a shit load of time but she doesn't have to undergo these procedures continuously until the end of her life.

    I don't understand the reasoni April 27, 2019 1:41 pm

    To be honest, I'm just kind of pissed off at the chapter no mind me, fking don't even want to imagine that shit without anaesthetics fk. And shes finally with the guy after years of waiting for updates... Well how else are they going to continue the manga i guess w.e

    Anonymous August 29, 2019 6:01 pm

    What do you mean by "synthesizing DNA"?