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Last chapter truly disappoint me. If they did more reasonable excuse for her brother's rio...

Mavikelebek May 1, 2019 11:50 am

Last chapter truly disappoint me. If they did more reasonable excuse for her brother's riot it will be really good story. It was rush ending and I just want her in girl dress. Spoiler if you didnt read


Her brother's reason was very idotic and dangerous.if he said he wont support her in that dangerous situation , everything could be different. And I think he should support her that time . But like he said , he couldn't expect her sister to support her. You know it it is so dramatic for me., it could solve in other ways. And for our boss girl she should have at least said her purpose of being boss to our main girl, also boss girl must knew her brother will come back again, so it was inevitable her to learn this riot.

And it was rush ending, really. I really want to see her as a girl. And boss girl with her brother. Only in last page we realized her brother came back, and main girls hair grew up.
