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I feel like I'm not a very good influence on my nephew...

[null48] May 4, 2019 12:51 am

We were just watching My Hero Academia with him (7) and he was like "Aren't Kacchan and Deku so cute together? I like it when they're kissing the best...." Don't know where he got the reference though(probably on my phone) And then explained to his mom who the seme would be................................................................................................................................(⊙…⊙ )


I feel like I might've went to far this time(⌒▽⌒)

    silversky May 4, 2019 12:59 am

    do u ship bakudeku? if so then could you explain why you ship them? i just dont get where the people who ship them come from and would like to know the reasons. I hope this doesn't come up as rude I'm just genuinely curious

    RedGrey May 4, 2019 1:33 am
    do u ship bakudeku? if so then could you explain why you ship them? i just dont get where the people who ship them come from and would like to know the reasons. I hope this doesn't come up as rude I'm just genu... silversky

    I'm really more of a TodoDeku kinda boi, but I can get with that ship. Though I ship KiriBaku more

    alexa06077 May 4, 2019 1:34 am
    do u ship bakudeku? if so then could you explain why you ship them? i just dont get where the people who ship them come from and would like to know the reasons. I hope this doesn't come up as rude I'm just genu... silversky

    Most people ship them because of the “childhood relationship” and how their relationship is different from the other classmates.

    silversky May 4, 2019 7:41 am

    thanks for all the answers, i dont ship anime characters in general unless its canon so i appreciate u guys sharing ur views tyvm