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Ha :”+

Budercups are poisonous May 5, 2019 5:40 pm

yOU THOUGHT KILLING STALKING WAS BAD?! guess what.... this is even more fucked up, all of it, was just terrible, and somehow a masterpiece(?) I loved the art, the story is a very good psychological horror and drama.
And I liked the storytelling... But it got me thinking that the world is cruel, and that sometimes we are just so happy and don’t know, or am living in pain and when life gets better we think it’s all over or it’ll be all ok, life is hard, everyone suffers and need love and someone. It is hard do to without love and is possible, but I guess we can see in this story that it is so _difficult_... Life is about changing, all changes, and we play a big part in what happens but sometimes people do unexpected things, terrible and wonderful things. It is mixture of luck, skills and more luck. So I wish good luck, I don’t know who is reading, so just good luck with this life.
This story is all about misery, in relationships, in everyday life, in how the world is just insanely cold and disgusting sometimes... It got me really hard, it’s a great story though.
Have a nice day
