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If a parent gives up their life for their child, good. They should. But for a total strang...

manganiME May 8, 2019 12:21 am

If a parent gives up their life for their child, good. They should. But for a total stranger who might be evil as fuck and then leave your kids without a parent in a dangerous situation: no. Not wise. Sorry. But it shows how selfless she was. Also the thing about not hurting others is dumb when they are actively trying to hurt you. If he had killed that guy in the jail cell, a lot of folks would be alive. Doesn't change that he was trying to do the right thing, but many are dead cause an evil person was allowed to live. More than once. In general, I'd say, yes, die for your child as a parent, but protect your life so you can keep protecting your children in a world gone absolutely bonkers.
