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To me the first story was cruel and hurtful!! I mean if he was going to make the boy fall...

dorishpp December 21, 2013 2:03 am

To me the first story was cruel and hurtful!! I mean if he was going to make the boy fall in love with him then hurt him so he can act what kind of sh-t is that? That experienced actor inviting the boy over then rapping him to make him fall in love is just to cruel!! Then invite him to live with him and have some women over to have sex after telling him to fall in love is cruel too!! Then at the end tell the boy he only did that so he could act his part with no feelings for the boy that is really hurtful!! I guess the boy is going to move out and still find a way to be better than Udo at acting and make Udo fall in love with him Wow what a dummy I say of the boy cause if he is not in love with you now he is never going to be in love with you!!! I did like the last story it was funny with the way the friends just took off when the ghost appears was hilarious!! I guess you couldn't count on them to stay and help ha ha ha!!! Then when the friends went to the friends house and looked into that room that scared them was funny too!! That was cute!! All this is just my thoughts!! thx D

    Why does loving Yaoi feel so right? March 27, 2014 12:19 am

    My thoughts exactly lol

    marry October 30, 2014 7:22 am

    sayings like "if he doesn't love you now, he never will" is not necessarily true because people's heart can change over time but i do agree that the famous actor was cruel but thats kind of what i love about the story- he was doing it all for the play. I don't really hate the famous actor because he didn't really lie to the kid, the kid already knew what was going on, that their act of love was just an act to prepare him for the play. And it also wasn't like the actor told him "fall in love with me because i love you" he told him something like "fall in love with me so you can better understand your role"