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Can anyone please recommend me some good adventure/martial arts/fantasy light novel? I tri...

Dickun May 11, 2019 5:14 am

Can anyone please recommend me some good adventure/martial arts/fantasy light novel? I tried looking at novelupdates but I'm conflicted because of the review. It's either a very good interesting novel where some people rate it5 stars but there are also people rating 1 star calling the novel trash and waste of time so I'm kind of afraid to read it because maybe it's not worth my time and effort. So please share if you have your personal favorites. Thank u(▰˘◡˘▰)

P.s Please no harem

    superlocococo May 11, 2019 6:25 am

    I'm kind of like you in that regard, but I've learned to just start reading it. Like the worst thing is that you read 20 chapters of bull. Usually, I just read 3 chapters, and if I'm not feeling it I drop it.