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This is a legit question because I'm honestly curious: don't Korean couples have sex right...

chihoko May 12, 2019 2:23 pm

This is a legit question because I'm honestly curious: don't Korean couples have sex right away when in a relationship? or is this something from manhwas/dramas? Because as a western woman, more specifically a Brazilian one (in Brazil we're usually very straightfoward about this), I find very weird and unrealistic someone dating for over a year (living together for Christ's sake) and not doing anything sexual. The only people I've met in similar situations were religious and were waiting until marriage and therefore not living together. Of course I've read many Korean manhwas on which people do have sex, but I've also seen this sort of arrangement from CBAW before many many times as well!

    Lacchan May 12, 2019 3:38 pm

    I'm not Korean, but I asked my friend and she said that having sex the same day two people get together is pretty unusual. The thing "first day first base, second day second base ecc..." is more a western thing. Obviously there are the exceptions tho. Anyway I find the waiting thing so cute because you first work on your relationship and then there is the sexual part when the couple is stable and both parts are sure about it. I think It's a cultural difference, mainly because (basing on what I heard) they tend to think more of forming a family. While people here mainly like to fucc and sex is seen as the best way of "loving" someone ┗( T﹏T )┛