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Can I speak seriously on the James Charles controversy? I wanted to say he really is givin...

Kimun May 15, 2019 12:59 pm

Can I speak seriously on the James Charles controversy? I wanted to say he really is giving the lgbtq+ community a bad fucking name. I swear we get refused opportunitys because we identify with a different sexuality and some people may take this situation and generalize it as all of us. It would be exactly the same for a straight man to try and convert a lesbian and also to use your game to manipulate people to do that? It's fucking disgusting. I was watching a catfish ep. yesterday and the girl was using them to come out but said "aren't lesbians looking for straight girls to convert them? Because I would" what the fuck? Anyone like this should fucking put their ego in check. And anyone trying to defend James about the brand deal, it's literally not even about that anymore we don't care anyways I rambled on but as part of the lgbtq+ community it makes me disgusted to see people a part of my community do this and hope for changes

    Lemona May 15, 2019 1:19 pm

    Some say Tati is being manipulative about the whole situation.

    Kimun May 15, 2019 1:27 pm
    Some say Tati is being manipulative about the whole situation. Lemona

    I know and I honestly don't get it, I think it was right to call him out on it, why should someone like that get any praise for what they do?

    YURI!!choi~ May 15, 2019 2:49 pm

    Tati honestly shouldn't have flipping called out james for being a "bad friend", thats' between them and it she shouldn't have included that bit into it.

    Now the whole james charles being a predator, he really fucked up, and yes that should be held against him. But yet again I don't see why all these people are coming at him when there are others out there that do worse or- just as bad. Like say for instance pewdiepie said the n-word got backlash but it only lasted for a day, and shane dawson literally would say the n-word back in his previous videos. So what's up with that? And the fucking NEWS went over this shit, again there are worse problems in this world yet they focus on the life of a Makeup Artist WHO IS A FUCKING YOUTUBER! People are getting raped, killed, kidnapped every day but they chose to focus on this; And ooohh that makes me so mad.

    Also that dude who is claiming that james manipulated him, I honestly can't feel bad for him. If he didn't want to pursue anything with james he should've not let james fly him out. And he claims that james was talking to some dude while he talked with him, if he wasn't pursuing James why'd he have to include that? He's literally contradicting himself and it's frustraing me. And it makes me mad how james was literally getting off to a good start in his career and he just fucked it up. I honestly couldn't give two shits to james cause I really don't care about him, he screwed his life and that's on him. Yet again I can't stand for people who were all basically waiting for the chance for James to get cancelled and then hop the band wagon. There are seriously other youtubers who do shit like this but where is their cancellation??

    YURI!!choi~ May 15, 2019 2:55 pm
    Tati honestly shouldn't have flipping called out james for being a "bad friend", thats' between them and it she shouldn't have included that bit into it. Now the whole james charles being a predator, he really ... YURI!!choi~

    I swear if someone says some shit about him being a "predator" I don't support him. I won't ever support that especially since it's really fucked up.
    I just think this whole thing is being blown way out of proportion and that people are using this backlash he's getting as a way to rant.

    YURI!!choi~ May 15, 2019 2:56 pm
    I swear if someone says some shit about him being a "predator" I don't support him. I won't ever support that especially since it's really fucked up.I just think this whole thing is being blown way out of propo... YURI!!choi~

    I mean't crap about thinking I support him for being a predator and trying to defend him.. I didn't really make that clear my badd

    MarketPlace May 15, 2019 3:41 pm

    What did James Charles do because I don't listen to jack shit of his well shit

    Anonymous May 15, 2019 5:12 pm

    It is no longer just about being gay people. it is about this asshole using gay ness as a cover to get at confused people , some times underage kids to give it up don't you get it. stop linking every thing to being gay. people have been trying to call this guy out about his behavior for awhile he hid behind being gay bec. he knew he would be safe, and used that as an reason. Other tuber's who knew tried and failed it took some one else to come forward that person should be praised not put down that had to be hard to do.this should be awake up call for any one who uses the internet there are people out there looking to use other people not for the good. Every one with a Ytube channel is not who they say they are.Kids are easy prey.

    Kimun May 16, 2019 5:17 pm
    Tati honestly shouldn't have flipping called out james for being a "bad friend", thats' between them and it she shouldn't have included that bit into it. Now the whole james charles being a predator, he really ... YURI!!choi~

    Okay, first off in this response I'll also be responding to your other responses. Yes, I do think she shouldn't have put the way their friendship but in some areas I do think it needed to get the whole story. And how I feel about this situation will not make me focus on anything else less than this believe me I ducking hate everything else going on in the world I try and learn about it everyday. Just because I do focus on this controversy doesn't mean I won't hold other people and their actions accountable, if they want forgiveness they have to be fucking genuine. I also do think this IS an important situation that should be talked about because it's not just about lgbtq+ and him "trying" to convert straight guys it's about how he is using his game as a way to get what he wants and people do that all the fucking time and it should be talked about because that could lead to all of the other stuff you mentioned that are worse and happening right now. This is a big problem and we shouldn't sweep it under the rug because there are bigger problems happening and for that kid I do feel bad for him because first James was the one who says he was fine to let that kid figure his sexuality out, but because he told James that he wasn't gay he gets blasted and humiliated by someone with a huge following. And then if he were to be anything but straight don't you think it would be scary to come out when there are people that will ridicule him because of the situation with James, and no one can say that James being forceful to him in their messages about how that kid IS gay or bisexual is right because that's up to the kid to figure out and no one should have that pressure on them. Also if James wanted to help people figure out their sexuality he should be open to that possibility happening he can't rant on social media anymore he's not no one anymore his actions are important ESPECIALLY when your subscribers are young and impressionable because they could continue with this exact behavior and can continue it on for a lifetime.
    If there is anything unclear and if you do want to talk more about this then we can just tell me, I can probably give out my social media on here somewhere in private.

    Kimun May 16, 2019 5:27 pm
    Okay, first off in this response I'll also be responding to your other responses. Yes, I do think she shouldn't have put the way their friendship but in some areas I do think it needed to get the whole story. A... Kimun

    I also wanted to mention is that for me I will and do hold these people that do wrong accountable, as well as people just taking this controversy to get fame is also wrong and disgusting and I don't support those people in their actions and I just want this type of thing talked about because it is important.

    Anonymous May 17, 2019 12:17 am
    Tati honestly shouldn't have flipping called out james for being a "bad friend", thats' between them and it she shouldn't have included that bit into it. Now the whole james charles being a predator, he really ... YURI!!choi~

    Why the fuck do you feel sorry for a predator tho? Despite his age he doesn’t get free pass for gaslighting and being a manipulative jerk