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is there ever going to be an update?

want more May 18, 2019 2:12 am

is there ever going to be an update?

    arebg452 June 11, 2019 11:38 pm

    The author for this sadly died before finishing the manga, so there won't be any more updates for this. The only thing would be for another writer in the publishing house to pick it up, but I doubt that will happen since it's not a really high-profile series.

    vivsbox June 21, 2020 9:24 am
    The author for this sadly died before finishing the manga, so there won't be any more updates for this. The only thing would be for another writer in the publishing house to pick it up, but I doubt that will ha... arebg452

    Too sad :(

    I was expecting to have any updates of this manga, because it was to good for me to read it.