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pingpongpoo August 3, 2019 4:33 pm

must protect TT___TT

the storyline is GREAT i absolutely love how everything played out, takase's inner conflict.. and the fact that we get the seme's pov! cos there are many stories about the uke "falling for a straight man" kind of narrative but this time we get this GOOD LOOKING (ugh hes so handsome im drooling) seme who fell for the sweetest yuiichi. such a pure love. he wasnt lusting after him during the whole thing too and i wasnt even expecting sexy times cos i was ok even if there werent any!! (which is absolutely wonderful btw) i rlly love this one a lot theyre perfect for each other pls be happy forever <3

also when takase was about to drink a whole pencilholder i burst out laughing so hARD
