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It bugs me that the story is unfinished, so I imagined the rest myself :p The older brothe...

Anonymouse December 25, 2013 9:46 am

It bugs me that the story is unfinished, so I imagined the rest myself :p
The older brother gets really jealous of the high school boys relationship. During particularly painful sex the blond guy bursts in, knocks out the older brother and takes his love away.
The black haired doctor helps treat both brothers. He was all along pretending to be the older brothers confidant, but was actually the one blackmailing him: because he was in love with the older brother he saw him have sex in the hospital sleeping room.
The high school boys end up together, still in a bdsm relationship because they're both used to a little kink now, but it's sweeter and they both want it.
The older brother is submissive uke to the other doctor (who is obsesssed with him) but that's ok because what he really wanted all along is to belong to someone.
Happy end for all involved :)

    happybun December 31, 2013 11:35 pm

    I like this ending! You've made me so happy, I can't stand loose strings.