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Looking for a manga!

Saphieer May 20, 2019 7:46 pm

Read this before, suddenly have the urge to read it again but can't find it; its a yaoi.

The seme is super popular in university, Tall Rich and Handsome but he has an attention span of 3 hours (?) like seriously; he started dating a girl during lunch and broke up with her by the time the bell rang.

So, apparently the seme made a dating sim game when he was younger and his brother's company was launching it as a VR full immersive game. He was beta testing it and looking for bugs when he met a weird NPC with a broken setting.

He falls in love but the game gets shut down due to some complications then he finds out that the NPC was actually someone in his class that hacked in and set up a false identity.

I'd really like to find this back. Please!!! ╥﹏╥
