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This is very boring for me. They over used the previous previous panels and shit looks rep...

Fueru May 24, 2019 12:36 pm

This is very boring for me. They over used the previous previous panels and shit looks repetitive. The characters have no much expressions, and the games just looks dumb.

Spoiler I guess

I mean, vaginal fluid? Can you guys think of amy fluids that can be of substitute of it? There's mother ducking pees or spit. And there's no fucking way they couldn't just use that since I doubt the scale is high end enough to know that. The overseer might be saying foul but they didn't even think of doing that first. Like. Wtd

I have a lot more probelm with this series but i only able to say this. Not worth the time. Except you just wanna have some wanking session, but it's not even hot or anything.
