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Cheesy, but good supporting characters. Didn't really understand the emotional breakdown o...

Lover December 28, 2013 5:38 am

Cheesy, but good supporting characters. Didn't really understand the emotional breakdown or that she only has one song that she's been working on for three years, or that she can tear up her life's work for some statement to teachers that are made out as bad guys but are really correct. Whatever, I like sex.

    prophecy of doom April 1, 2014 11:54 am

    me too... some things are just confusing and messed up... but that's omething I realise often in mangas or manhwas
    well till liked it hehe

    OverlyPsyched November 25, 2015 4:27 am

    i think she has multiple songs since she wrote in that notebook, but i think the one she sang was suppose to be the most symbolic because of obvious wings of freedom, teenagers wanting to fly towards their dream. i do agree that it was pretty cheesy but i kind of understand the breakdown. she never really had the chance to express herself vocally to her parents and to so many people that were a part of her life and the relief and joy of it is kind of overwhelming