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Why tf is this censored?!

KyaaMuffin May 29, 2019 7:17 am

Has nobody realized that what's uploaded here is the censored, redrawn version of this webtoon? So much stuff is cut out, it's ridiculous. ヽ(`Д´)ノ If you want the uncensored original version, read it on Lezhin or for free on

    Dxsiree July 26, 2019 11:09 pm

    I went in there and it’s the same .-.

    lilplum August 1, 2019 7:13 am

    It’s crazy how back then before the internet when we would go to a book store and buy the book it will always be censored. Like I used to paid from $10-15 a book and it will be censored. I thought if we buy the hard copy it will be uncensored but it’s not. I used to spend like over 7k on manga for it to be censored lol now with better internet and people willing to redraw them for free I kinda wish I don’t spend that much but then again I do support the authors so I don’t mind buying them just wish it be uncensored if paying with cash ya know... especially all 700 mangas I had from 2000-2014 (when boarder shut down)