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wow this guy is almost as pathetic as issei from Highschool dxd

Anonymous May 29, 2019 10:13 am

wow this guy is almost as pathetic as issei from Highschool dxd

    Anonymous May 29, 2019 10:17 am

    nevermind at least issei was a kid this guy is a adult with the job of a teacher glad they brought up it was against the law cause with the way he was yell his desires at his students you would think he wouldn't be allowed at the school

    pacman101 August 13, 2019 3:53 am
    nevermind at least issei was a kid this guy is a adult with the job of a teacher glad they brought up it was against the law cause with the way he was yell his desires at his students you would think he wouldn'... @Anonymous

    hell, at least Issei thinks with his dick instead of not thinking at all