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Kisaki June 2, 2019 2:17 am

This is very funny and interesting but man... another harem where the girls push themselves onto the mc and the mc doesn't do anything about it. The way he's conveniently unconsciously flirting with them ticks me off. Also, rejecting a noble title? What a joke, the moment he didn't reject his engagement with the princess he was already appointed as the next in succession for the throne. After that, rejecting a noble title is simply stupid. That's like refusing to receive your high school diploma after being accepted into college. And he sometimes complains about not having any authority when it was him who gave it all away. I understand he's kind and isn't greedy, but the dude should at least ask to be paid for the stuff he makes. He's just giving stuff away for free left and right. Ugh... He still has a huge mansion to maintain and employees to pay. I know he's kinda rich right now, but it's not like it's an infinite amount and earning a little from his work should be acceptable. I'm only kept reading because of Kohaku, he's insanely cute

    Angel June 3, 2019 12:30 am

    Now you can add Kokuyou and Sango ;)

    I_Like_Violet May 9, 2020 4:11 pm

    Finally...someone I can relate now (●'◡'●)ノ