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so I want some opinions about this matter

summer June 2, 2019 2:28 pm

Guys I want to know your standpoint regarding the issue of implementing same sex marriage in the Philippines. Thank you

    catconfusion June 2, 2019 3:00 pm

    i'm all for it. everyone no matter the gender or sexual orientation deserves the same rights as the rest

    salvina299 June 2, 2019 3:04 pm

    I'm pro for it. I think that gay couples should be recognized and given the same rights that a heterosexual union would be recognized to have.

    Maria-chan June 2, 2019 3:06 pm

    this is my opinion as a cetizen in that country. I am well aware that Philippines is a religious country. Most of the Filipinos are Christians so it's a given that many would question and complain the decision made by the Government. but personally, i see no problem with that. same sex marriage is like hetero marriage. nothing is different except for the fact that they cant have kids together biologically.

    Mark Lorenz June 2, 2019 3:20 pm

    Everytime a person tells me "Why would they allow such thing?" I would always reply "Why not?" with a straight face. The people who are against it would always say that marriage has traditionally been defined as being between one man and one woman, and that marriage is primarily for procreation. Same sex couple's also have their rights. They have the right to access and exercise all the benefits that straight couples have. Marriage is an internationally recognized human right for all people REGARDLESS OF ANY GENDER. Bow

    summer June 2, 2019 5:49 pm
    Everytime a person tells me "Why would they allow such thing?" I would always reply "Why not?" with a straight face. The people who are against it would always say that marriage has traditionally been defined a... Mark Lorenz

    Honestly I also support same sex marriage and its so hard to tell my family my standpoint as they are very religious and active in advocating "No to same sex marriage" every single day. At the same time I always read comments on social media post about people condeming the LGBTQ as an representation of evil that must not exist.

    To tell you guys the truth I'm getting annoyed to these narrow minded people who always mind other people's business, saying we can have salvation if we correct ourselves and using the bible as an item to degrade someone.

    I really hate it when they say that, only God can judge us of our sins wherein fact these people on the society always judge and condemn our wellbeing.

    Mewmew June 2, 2019 7:00 pm

    I don't think the Philippines is ready for it, and instead for a full on same sex marriage, a better option (at this point) is a civil partnership where same sex couples can register and have the same right and responsibilities that of a heterosexual marriage.

    Don't get me wrong here. Don't bash me or give hateful comments. I respect all kinds of love, and I am a firm believer that love transcends all time and space, even gender and sexuality. I respect all genders as well as all forms of sexuality. I just don't think the Philippines is accepting enough (for now) for a same sex marriage.