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Lololala June 2, 2019 10:06 pm

What happened? I’m so confused about the plot and who’s supposed to be the good guy. I kinda liked the blackmail dude more than the seme tbh.. but maybe I just didn’t understand enough of the plot to dislike the guy properly?

    Lynda79 June 12, 2019 5:23 am

    Definitely. Blackmail yakuza guy, while an asshat, was sane enough to know he's an asshat. While yandere seme dressed like the boy next door was straight up crazy. With no underlying sad backstory to explain his crazy. While the uke was a masochistic spineless amgel with zero self esteem, though he kind of had the backstory to explain why he is what he is. Yakuza is definitely best character in this.