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Ch. 4 is an extra for the first arc, so scanlators probably intended to include it at the ...

Carmella June 3, 2019 12:04 pm

Ch. 4 is an extra for the first arc, so scanlators probably intended to include it at the end. Suggesting that all yaoi is fetishizing gay relationships is like suggesting that all het romance novels fetishize het romances; there's no doubt that there are titles that do so, but suggesting that all do is just as naive as suggesting that none do. A number of authors and readers gravitate to BL because the relationships demonstrate greater equality rather than gender-defined social dominance and submission (see Naono Bohra, Suzuki Tsuta, and Yoneda Kou for more). Also, bara is a subgenre of yaoi supposedly written predominantly by gay men for gay men, yet fetishization still occurs because romantic fiction is habitually an outlet for fantasy, and that's ok.

As for Mimi and Kaoru, I appreciate that they're clearly having a conversation about her transition. And, although Kaoru admits to preferring Mimi as a guy, he also states that he respected her as a girl. So currently, without knowing how the next chapter develops, I'm under the impression that it's an ongoing conversation and that, as their relationship grows, the conversation will ideally progress.
