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I don’t really like the ending

Zero June 6, 2019 5:17 am

The main couple was really cute at first, but the ending just ruined it for me. Tsukasa just left and ignored Riku without hesitation just cause his dad told him to. I understand that it was because he “cared” for Riku and stuff, but he didn’t even try to support Riku in retaliation because he cared for him and understood that Riku depended on him. That by itself is already shitty, but Riku also just forgave him right away. Tsukasa left him alone and let him get bullied, fully knowing what was happening, and he also made him miserable by screwing around with other girls. Even though he felt some sort of sadness when he left Riku, I don’t think that you can measure that up to the amount of pain Riku felt. Shouldn’t he at least suffer and actually work towards winning Riku back instead of just saying “sorry”?
