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Rating 8,5/10 No, this is not Yaoi manga. This manga more like 'Shounen ai' than yaoi/BL. ...

Miss. T January 1, 2014 3:59 pm

Rating 8,5/10
No, this is not Yaoi manga. This manga more like 'Shounen ai' than yaoi/BL.
I have this manga and collect them all
My darling boyfriend he is the first to introduced me to this manga, he though this manga is about 'renaissance' (LOL) and I love sweet lolita
I just... can't tell him the truth...

    Sora June 17, 2014 8:11 am

    LOL...I don't know how to tell you the truth but here goes...

    Hun, I can tell you from the experience of an 8 year Yaoi veteran that this is indeed Yaoi. There was penetration, thrusting, moans of lust and ecstasy, bodily fluids... Overall, things that would not be long in a Shounen Ai manga. Just trust me on that. This is far from Shounen Ai. Shounen Ai is more like a quick peck on the lips (or even cheek) and maybe just a single page where they're in bed together asleep after a "rough night". Nothing vivid or sexy.
    If you think that this is Shounen Ai then you really don't know what Yaoi is xD

    fujinlove June 23, 2014 2:17 pm

    @sora - if you didn't notice, it looks like Miss T means the princess princess manga volumes not this dj.Definitely shounen ai at most.