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Finished re-reading

JustBeingMyself June 11, 2019 6:46 am

Wait I still don't get the part on how Tachibana-san able to recognise Muro just because Kanka is underage and blacklisted! Kanka only came to the scene AFTER he saw Muro right? And Muro doesn't know Tachibana so they never meet each other.
Now I want to know Tachibana and Kanka story to better understand.
I feel like lots of the story is missing.

    KRDO June 11, 2019 7:07 am

    My guess is he was on a case on Kanka or arrested him at some point because he was a juvenile and from there learned more about him and who he interacts with and that's how he knows who Muro is.

    JustBeingMyself June 11, 2019 11:09 am
    My guess is he was on a case on Kanka or arrested him at some point because he was a juvenile and from there learned more about him and who he interacts with and that's how he knows who Muro is. KRDO

    That makes more sense, thanks