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Where is south ant?

Tina turner June 13, 2019 6:18 am

Does anyone know if south ant-the author made another title for himself. Is he still drawing making more story. I would see other manwha that looked like the same art type . So im confused and i really want to read more of his story;(

    saru April 6, 2021 3:15 pm

    I'm commenting pretty late but south ant is a duo and they also later made sadistic beauty which is quite different art-wise and story-wise (it was revealed in ch.100 q&a). I wouldnt recommend sadistic beauty though tbh

    Thteena April 7, 2021 12:09 am
    I'm commenting pretty late but south ant is a duo and they also later made sadistic beauty which is quite different art-wise and story-wise (it was revealed in ch.100 q&a). I wouldnt recommend sadistic beau... saru

    Wow wouldnt have ever known. Thank you and I appreciate it.