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Ok now im confused about the ending so was the sorcerer a girl and because of rape and tor...

Dahl January 4, 2014 5:30 am

Ok now im confused about the ending so was the sorcerer a girl and because of rape and torture somehow becomes a guy or was that just a completely unrelated part of the story and what happened to him and the prince at the end?

    Nai Luv3 Yaoi April 23, 2014 12:29 pm

    from what I know he is a guy from birth don't know where you find out that he was a girl and I concluded he didn't understand death therefore couldn't die so people thought he was a demon maybe he was cursed and wouldn't be able to die until he understand what death is and once Navia saw Urex dies infront of him he finally understood what death is and as he started to feel his body getting lighter means he is going to die and at the end I think he either brought the Urex whole body or just the head into the fountain together so Navia kills himself by drowning I think but you can think whatever you want but the blood ends at the fountain it is quite sad don't you think I cried a lot at these story the couple will now live happily together right?