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i dont know why everyone hate kei so much.. he's not that bad at all.. he's just possessiv...

Chiemi January 6, 2014 7:10 pm

i dont know why everyone hate kei so much.. he's not that bad at all.. he's just possessive coz he loves yone kun so much, thats all.. i like all the stories. i think all of them are so cute and sweet! <3

    Ichi nii san January 9, 2014 1:41 am

    Anyone would think its cute and sweet at first, but when they experience it themselves, they will hate it. Imagine your fb made you lose all your friends. Or maybe if you just talk or laugh with someone else, he gets mad. Of course it sounds romantic, but realistically, it's not that great

    Ichi nii san January 9, 2014 12:40 am

    Bf, idk why it autocorrected into fb ~,~

    steve March 18, 2014 6:32 pm

    'Image your fb made you lose all your friends' hahaha :') that made my day. I would go mad xd

    isolated September 1, 2014 1:25 am

    Well maybe if more people really thought about it this way, Say there is this guy/girl in your life and you like them, they are cool, maybe you date maybe you don't. But they decide you don't need anyone but them annnnnndddd then suddenly you find yourself with no one but them,...... this story yone did like Kei but what if that wasn't the case? and even if it is, do you want to have no one else for the rest of your life??? Do you like them enough to only interact with them till the day you die??? AND IF YOU DON'T LOVE THEM?? THEY STILL WILL FOLLOW YOU??? Man sorry, I would have run far and fast and the second time, when he "happens" to appear damn I would have been like "guys you've been great but I'm transfering to alaska, but don't tell my roommate. kay bye."