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When you think about it... reading this kind of manga scares me more than some ghosts or k...

vivi June 21, 2019 5:04 pm

When you think about it...
reading this kind of manga scares me more than some ghosts or killers etc..
cause when i imagine this will happen in reality i'll really dont know what todo or think.. and who knows what will happen to us..
And i think i read it somewhere that america is readying about some zombie apocalyps..
And they say that nortpole is melting n there are some virus, bacteria etc that is "probably" burried in ice that we still dont know..

Im just saying whats on my mind..
Btw im not paranoid or something..
Im just saying ok..
Haha LOL xD

Ps. Im just saying probably there ok.. just a hunch okk...
You dont have to have a violent reaction..
