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No he doesn’t want to sleep with his sister and didn’t do it

Pidapipo June 23, 2019 4:33 pm

... until after she died. The family believes that if girls die as virgins, they will be lost so someone has to intervene by having intercourse with their dead body. That’s why he asks the man who was with her in the hotel, why he didn’t go all the way. Now he has to carry the responsibility. How fucked up. He actually tries hard to make sure the girl is alive and well.
The dreams his sister was having are foreshadow.
I have a thing for twisted story with gorgeous art and this just clicked. Wow.

    uneautrefille June 25, 2019 2:09 am

    Agreed and it seems like he can somehow see or feel the presence of lost souls too. Psychic power maybe.
    What a curse on this family.

    Alle January 13, 2021 12:27 am

    Ok it reminds me a lot of haunting of hill house, obviously not the same bc this is tied to virginity and probably this family. But looking past the whole: wow this is crazy and gross necrophilia! Holy shit this is an amazingly well put together and well written story, I enjoyed it