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For the art people out there

Anoness June 24, 2019 4:05 pm

I'm trying to try out colouring, (I usually just do rough sketch or realistic) and I was recommended using brush markers, so I bought the touch twin shinhan markers (because I cant afford copics), and then there's this wide tip and the fine tip right, but honestly, which one is better for the tip, the hard brush or the soft brush (like the copic, where the tip of the brush is slightly flexible) ?

    MangaFan June 24, 2019 4:54 pm

    There isn't really a better one overall, it's just whatever your preference is honestly. The brush tip allows for more blending so if you want a smoother look and shading that doesn't have a clear edge, that ones better. But the hard tip let's you blanket colors faster and gives a nice clear line for any shading used. Hope this helps!

    MarketPlace June 24, 2019 5:10 pm

    *sips digital tea*

    Anoness June 25, 2019 3:59 am
    There isn't really a better one overall, it's just whatever your preference is honestly. The brush tip allows for more blending so if you want a smoother look and shading that doesn't have a clear edge, that on... MangaFan

    Thanks for the insight ! This reaally helps

    Anoness June 25, 2019 4:02 am
    There isn't really a better one overall, it's just whatever your preference is honestly. The brush tip allows for more blending so if you want a smoother look and shading that doesn't have a clear edge, that on... MangaFan

    Btw, what about for objects like buildings and architecture ? Which brush tip do you recommend ?

    MangaFan June 25, 2019 8:16 am
    Btw, what about for objects like buildings and architecture ? Which brush tip do you recommend ? Anoness

    I'd personally recommend the hard/marker tip for architecture. It naturally creates lines more and can help maintain an objects shape. It's also good for blocking in large values- like if you wanted a buildings side mainly one color. It also prevents you from using shading as a crutch to make a drawing look "prettier", so the shapes/buildings end up more thought out. You should try both out though, you may end up having a preference for one over the other

    Anoness June 25, 2019 12:18 pm
    I'd personally recommend the hard/marker tip for architecture. It naturally creates lines more and can help maintain an objects shape. It's also good for blocking in large values- like if you wanted a buildings... MangaFan

    Okay ! I'll be trying out the soft brush as well, but I'll focus mainly on the hard tip. Thank you very much :)