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D ace June 27, 2019 4:29 pm

I love this sooooooooo much,this is a hidden gem,i love everything about this and i smiled so much reading this,i completed this in 2days,and i love how they ended it and the duration of the story too,it doesn't drag on too much or unnecessarily long with too much drama or unnecessary 3rd party, it's just the right amount of it.I also totally love and adore Kenshiro,his honesty and how he always asks for Aya-chan's consent first,he really is the most "Perfect Seme" amd Aya-chan is totally adorable and an angel too,And this manga puts me in a good mood,it makes me happy,altho some of the other couples were kinda unnecessary(like the tall and short couple,and the delinquent and senior couple) i also don't like how *that* other guy slept with*that* other guy,while both of them love another,too whorish and slutty,but it doesn't bother me too much and it wasn't to The point of annoying or anything,so it's okay,i can look past that, anyway I love this, maybe I'll re-read it again some day

    D ace June 27, 2019 6:15 pm

    Oh, and I also love how Kenshiro always prepares Aya-chan first before having sex, it's really important to me and I really appreciate it, it's a way of showing love and Care while having sex and not being an ass and only caring about one's pleasure, and I love seeing both partners mutually enjoying it