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Danae June 29, 2019 5:16 pm

Hi peeps!
A general question for long time users of this site.
Does anyone know how a topic created by an account (not anon topic) gets removed? I am not talking about the OP deleting it, I am talking about the topic suddenly disappearing from the topic list and only be visible by the OP on her homepage.
The details of the topic are not important, it was not that a big deal but I am curious about how mangago works.
As far I know, anon topics may be removed if it gets a lot of downvotes but I never heard of account topics being removed.
By the way, the topic was nothing different, just discussing aggressive anon trolling and how they all looked done by one person... it had no offensive, cursing or inappropriate words. It had a few replies and likes but no downvotes.
Anyone who is a savvy mangago user could help me with this mystery? I'm curious on what did I do to get grounded, lol.
Thank you!

    MangaSanctuary February 14, 2020 5:22 am

    Hi Danae,
    I'm not a specialist of the question or how works Mangago, but I've encountered similar situation. I think there are few possibilities:

    - the topic got reported (for x reason or just because it displeased someone), and then got removed automatically by the site. Later the topic can reappear again surely for some reasons, but most of the time it got removed permanently.

    - the topic disapeared and is only visible on your page because the comic related to it (the manga, manhwa/uas...) got reported and removed from Mangago.

    - last option is, yeah, the eventually for it to get removed because of the downvotes, but I'm not sure. I've seen topics that got many downvotes that are still visible on the comments sections.

    Now, if we're the one to report (the Anon post for ex), the topic then disapear from our account comment section but can be still visible on the logout section of the manga... Yet I'm sure these posts from Anons trolls got reported more, but yet they can still be seen on the logout page of a manga; it's like the topic got banned from your page because you reported it but then is still visible to others.
    So, does it request more than one person to report in order for it to be removed for good...?
    It's difficult to know with exactitude how this site works but I hope it'll a bit.