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Terrry June 30, 2019 9:23 am

Yall, team Seth is the wave. All aboard

    Nitrogenix June 30, 2019 10:24 am

    Nah, Henry sees Sam in seth. It wouldn't be fair to date Seth while having deeper feelings for someone else. It would only hurt Seth more to go into such a relationship just because Henry is running away and sam is still oblivious as hell.

    Terrry June 30, 2019 10:49 am
    Nah, Henry sees Sam in seth. It wouldn't be fair to date Seth while having deeper feelings for someone else. It would only hurt Seth more to go into such a relationship just because Henry is running away and sa... Nitrogenix

    I get chu...b u t, Sam look like he been scheming something. He look suspicious and is kinda inconsiderate. How you get a whole wife and then still expect to get with Henry??
    Team Seth is the only way

    Nitrogenix June 30, 2019 10:55 am

    I think sam is to simple to plan anything. I just think he never tought of his feeling that deeply before. He hasn't realized that he loved henry to on a deeper level. He married just like that because he never tought about anything that didn't matter to him. But henry does matter to him that is why it looks like he is scheming. While he is just finnaly trying to understand the feelings he have. Altough it's way to late.

    Nitrogenix June 30, 2019 10:57 am

    But I also can go for Seth. But I don't want him to end up being hurt because he isn't being looked at for who he is. Nothing more painful then being a stand in for somene else, while you have genuine feelings.

    Terrry June 30, 2019 11:00 am
    But I also can go for Seth. But I don't want him to end up being hurt because he isn't being looked at for who he is. Nothing more painful then being a stand in for somene else, while you have genuine feelings. Nitrogenix

    I feel you sis. But tbh im fine with anyone other than Sam. Henry deserves better ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Nitrogenix June 30, 2019 11:01 am
    I feel you sis. But tbh im fine with anyone other than Sam. Henry deserves better ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Terrry

    Bro* :D