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Let's put aside the fact that we don't know when the author will come back ( hope soon ), ...

LadyNoir July 1, 2019 10:33 pm

Let's put aside the fact that we don't know when the author will come back ( hope soon ), let's focus on the most important topic: the ship. I was and still am Qtip team. Hands down, I know he might be a jerk, even I sometimes would like to slap him hard in da face and lecture him. But I love him.
And the he arrives... the blonde guy... OUR precious cinnamon german roll with his love for bears... OUR Dieter... and you ask yourself "Is Qtip really the right guy?" Because after the amusement park, all my ideas were shattered.... Right now I'm not sure anymore about the right ship. I can't wait for Quimchee to come back and put an end to my insecurities.
