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Tanna1 July 1, 2019 10:58 pm

start to get annoying of the now... just kill them or something -_-

    LallaLa July 1, 2019 11:18 pm

    ...if it's to save the world, shouldn't he drop out of school and become a strong well known magician in the guild? That would be a free pass for a diploma, no?
    Plus, he would meet strong people as well. Not the hero, but people who coud help.
    Getting a name, it would get the attention of the king. If he can convince the king....much easier, no?

    angel1 July 2, 2019 2:33 am

    pretty sure there isnt any grandiose world-saving intentions present right now. Asley is just exploring the current world and discovering new things. what better way to learn new things than to go to school. my only wish is that he gets to the world exploring part relatively soon. the school stuff is fun but i dont want that to be the entire manga or anything.

    Kuroe July 2, 2019 10:58 am
    pretty sure there isnt any grandiose world-saving intentions present right now. Asley is just exploring the current world and discovering new things. what better way to learn new things than to go to school. my... angel1

    Yeah, he seems to be exploring the world with rina, and at the moment she wants to go to the school so he is tagging along. This is probably so she wouldn't get caught in trouble

    ¥401 July 4, 2019 5:58 pm

    wows, calm down? (≧∀≦)

    it's just how it is at first with these types of kids. knock 'em out of their high pedestals to make them see the reality in front of 'em.

    plus, pretty sure they'd be important cast members after they get along and stuff.. hopefully anyways (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ