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The Arcana Fanfiction- Heeelp meeeee PLEASE

MarketPlace July 2, 2019 8:35 am

Not manga related's f a n f i c t i o n. Ignore if ye no likey ;1

"Doctor Jules," purred the blonde, sliding his hands across the taller man stiffing shoulders, "Aren't you tired doing all that work?"
Julian looked at plague stricken count, tired and uninterested in Lucio's advances. Though no one was keeping count, this could be his hundredth attempt to get the dead lay plague doctor in the mood and that was only within this night.
"Nope! I can keep on going,Lucenzo" Julian said, his voice tight. That was a lie. He was tired and pent up from being in the underground facility too long. Lucio sighed under his breath, he didn't like getting rejected by a good friend but of course it didn't stop him from trying. You could say it was like hunting down a animal. He slid his hands off his shoulders, trailing his index finger down his arm to his hand,snatching the pen.
"You have quite a unacceptable," He leans over Julian staring at the so called notes, "handwriting, has no one told you that?"
Julian grins, "No, only you, Asra, Nadia, and most likely everyone else in the palace told me that"

"Then," Lucio slides on the desk of papers and presses on Julian crotch with his black boot. "you need to be punished don't you?

I can't decide if it's good or not..I'm not done only the beginning, I just need to know I'm going the right path.. :/ I'm gonna change the "punished" to something like taught a lesson, or something like that, and prob the dead lay..Julian is one horny fuck and well I feel like Lucio is one to- I kinda wanna make it a threesome with Asra, like he walks in when Lucio is riding Julian ?


    MarketPlace July 2, 2019 9:03 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Camio birb

    Hskhsk Thank you! I'm happy that it's easy to understand since the main age group would be teenagers and maybe some adults just looking for lemon with depressed boi and goat daddy I'm assuming, I wanna read them j u i c y l e s s o n s as well pfft I'm kinda glad I got that power to fuck it up hehe.

    Naishe July 2, 2019 11:31 am

    I play Arcana and I can say that the portrayal of the characters is spot on, Imma follow this so if you ever finish the story please send the link here. I would really love to read this ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    T-T July 2, 2019 1:32 pm

    Idk these characters but love this and yes to the threesome also this needs to be published (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Please send links when you’re finished

    Sol July 2, 2019 1:42 pm

    Ooooooo I love the game but I stopped playing. I now wonder if there are fanfics for this fandom