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Finding This Manga Title (All the couples in the related link)

Sol July 2, 2019 1:37 pm
(I want 3 of the pictures couples, the important ones are the small picture (2 couple) at the top corner and the main picture couple)
(I think the 2 couple in the same picture are the same as the previous one but maybe not? Finding that and the other couple)
That small picture at the small corner of that 1 guy if possible to identify)
(The picture at the corner left)

    Monsieur. July 2, 2019 12:13 pm

    The 2couple and the main picture are from the same story and author. And it looks like it from CJ Mishalski (author) but I couldn't find the manga so I suppose it's not translated yet.

    Same, the little pic is the same as the first one. As for the main picture, looks like Yukimura's art. Then again, I couldn't find the manga. (︶︿︶)