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Wow interesting! *****CH 11-12 SPOILERS**** In chapter 12, Kiyose points out how in th...

Parallels July 6, 2019 7:00 am

Wow interesting!
*****CH 11-12 SPOILERS****

In chapter 12, Kiyose points out how in that alternate world, everything is basically the same except Akitsu has legitimately taken her spot. We all already know this is true, but even the events that happened between Kiyose and Nogata seem to be playing out the same way, but with Akitsu. If you read ch 3 and then ch 11, it’s basically the same date Nogata had with Kiyose, except Akitsu just reacts differently! Idunno, I just found that interesting to point out if no one else noticed haha.
