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Such a good story

yaya July 6, 2019 8:52 pm

I just finished reading this story and man this story has me all in my feels. It's just sooo good. I'm going to state first that what I'm going to write next is SPOILERS so if you haven't caught up with the manga that I wouldn't advise reading this.

Man these last couple of chapters had me feeling so depressed for Taeyi, Seheon and Taejun as well. When I found out that it was Seheon's dad that was in love and had a relationship with Taejun I was sooo shocked like I can't even tell you. I totally thought when Seheon went into his dad's drawer he was going to see a picture of a woman or his new family but to see a picture of him and Taejun my mind was just blown. That was one hell of a plot twist. And that just made things even more complicated for him and Taeyi. But now things started to come together and you finally see why Taejun decided to kill himself. I think the reason why he did it was probably because just couldn't handle being separated from the person he loved and probably thought that there was no way to deal with it expect to die instead. All I can say is that I think that Taejun should have found another way, there should have been another way instead of making a rash and selfish decision by choosing death and not thinking about the people he left behind and all this pain he is causing to others. And I'm not trying to be insensitive I just think that there should have been another way for him to cope with his pain. Because Taeyi only really had his brother by his side to rely on and look up to and now that he's gone, it was like a part of Taeyi was lost as well with him losing his brother. Seheon's dad also has part of the blame as well for why this all happened. He should taken responsibility for his actions and make a choice for who he wanted to be with instead trying to keep his family and have Taejun at the same time. And to find out that Doughyun was the one to send that picture of Taejun and the professor together is even worse because in a way its what set everything into motion for the worse to happen and probably another reason why Taejun decided to end his life as well.
Anyway, all I can say is that this story was really good and sad at the same time. I will probably take me awhile for me to be able to re-read this story just because of the events and the depressing things that happen in this story. I just hope everyone liked it as much as I did and if anyone wants to correct me on what I said feel free too.
