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Art question

Anoness July 7, 2019 9:26 am

I usually use Photoshop or PaintTool SAI for digital art, but it's because I've been creating original single art pieces like wallpapers and fanarts. I'm curious about those artists in Who made me a princess (or Suddenly become a princess one day) and King's maker, anybody knows what programs they are using ?

I'm curious mostly on the part where in comic strips and panels, they have details that I find pretty difficult to draw, yet they drew it so precisely amd very intricately. For example, bouquets of flowers, ornaments, jewelries, and other small objects, repeatedly, but on various angles and perspectives. Of course, other than the amazing skills these artists have, I'd like to know if there are other programs I can install to use it too.

    bruh July 7, 2019 9:36 am

    they probably use photoshop or clip studio paint (likely photoshop) and I think the author has assistants to draw backgrounds and another scenarios because a single artist wont be able to do that much so I think that they have different people to do the base , cleaning , colouring etc though this is only my assumption and I might be wrong

    Raskreia July 7, 2019 11:11 am

    you should check out Webtoon's youtube since they have tips from their featured artists

    Anoness July 7, 2019 4:31 pm
    they probably use photoshop or clip studio paint (likely photoshop) and I think the author has assistants to draw backgrounds and another scenarios because a single artist wont be able to do that much so I thin... bruh

    I see. Then I'll give CSP a try. Thank you !

    bruh July 8, 2019 12:56 pm
    I see. Then I'll give CSP a try. Thank you ! Anoness

    np its a nice software especially to make comics or mangas