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nathaniel July 8, 2019 4:10 pm

Look at that. Everything's fine again. A major issue solve that quickly. Everyone can be friends again. Who said psychotic behavior would ever land you in major consequences in comics. That's laughable. Kill someone? Pfft, that's nothing. I ran over a cat yesterday and I didn't even blink. Torture someone? Oh how could anyone think that's bad. People simply don't get it's a form of love. We need to be more accepting. Bullying? Duh, you need to take it like a man or as a woman. Who cares about consequences, right? This is just a comic. It's not real-life. It's all about the PoWer oF LoVE. Anyway, Imma kdinap this annoying kid in my class tomorrow for kicks. Wish me luck!
