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These Yaoi stories have no basis on how real life works. LOL No logic in the action of the...

Anonymous July 10, 2019 4:03 am

These Yaoi stories have no basis on how real life works. LOL No logic in the action of the characters

    Anterior July 10, 2019 4:31 am

    Wait what? Am I reading this correctly, out of all the ya o i s here, these one is the most realistic. Wth do you mean with “no basis on how real life works” um hello? Do you know that just because many bls have sex and things solve up is not how things fix up? As far as I know people here are realllly mad about this being slow paced, and no sex scenes yet. This comment right here ladies and gentlemen is the example of ignorance people have over life.

    V July 10, 2019 4:52 am
    Wait what? Am I reading this correctly, out of all the ya o i s here, these one is the most realistic. Wth do you mean with “no basis on how real life works” um hello? Do you know that just because many bls... @Anterior

    Actually the anon has a point. Nobody (Lihuan) would really continuously chase someone (Yuyang) when they're super anxious and pushing them away. Of course this manhua has some realistic points as do all mangas/manhuas, but just because this is the "most realistic" doesn't really make it the best. Besides the lack of sex scenes, which is fine by a lot of readers, the pace is at the one of a snail's. Author can't finish one scene without dragging it out to a cliffhanger (and not a good one or suspenseful one) into the next chapter. Also not a lot of things happen in most of the chapters individually. You can read ONE chapter and feel like "what was the point of that chapter? It could've been A PART of the chapter but instead she dragged out one little scene into like 40 panels, half of which is landscape or emotionless faces"

    Anonymous July 10, 2019 5:58 am
    Actually the anon has a point. Nobody (Lihuan) would really continuously chase someone (Yuyang) when they're super anxious and pushing them away. Of course this manhua has some realistic points as do all mangas... @V

    Actually, some people would. I know from experience (more from YuYang side). Some people are just the type that will endlessly love someone and help them through whatever anxieties or issues they have simply because they want the other person to smile and be happy. There might not be many like LiHuan, but there are a few out there.

    SensibleSenpai July 10, 2019 7:39 am

    Then why are you reading it?

    Anonymous July 10, 2019 7:46 am
    Actually the anon has a point. Nobody (Lihuan) would really continuously chase someone (Yuyang) when they're super anxious and pushing them away. Of course this manhua has some realistic points as do all mangas... @V

    Are you miserable or something? Your point about the story dragging is totally your opinion and you're entitled to it, but you have been saying this same comment repeatedly for months... do you not know how to get over something or at least move on? It's like going to the same restaurant and ordering the same food that you don't like the taste of, and then getting pissed at the restaurant cause the food tastes the same as before. Develop a system for yourself man, when you don't like something, move on or get over it, don't get stuck in a cycle of self-fulfilling hatred.

    Anonymous July 10, 2019 7:48 am

    People aren't logical. If you haven't noticed that at this point in your life yet, then you need to develop a social life.

    crack dad July 10, 2019 7:58 am
    Actually the anon has a point. Nobody (Lihuan) would really continuously chase someone (Yuyang) when they're super anxious and pushing them away. Of course this manhua has some realistic points as do all mangas... @V

    Idk why you keep coming back here if its a shit story LOL you're just makin yourself look like a bitter person

    Marian_Llama July 10, 2019 8:03 am

    Honestly, the most realistic BL’s in my opinion are the ones done by Gusari like “Given” and her Haikyuu!! pieces. The pace, atmospehere, tension, and romance are all very real and perfect in how they line up and develop throughout the story. This gets a good number of things right but, like someof you have mentioned, it’s not as close to perfect as some others. But eh, that’s just my opinion. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    awwi July 10, 2019 8:12 am
    Wait what? Am I reading this correctly, out of all the ya o i s here, these one is the most realistic. Wth do you mean with “no basis on how real life works” um hello? Do you know that just because many bls... @Anterior

    Just out of curiosity, why is this the most realistic one? People here constantly praise the story for how realistic it is but they never really say why. The fact that one character is gay can't be it because gay uke x straight seme is a very popular trope. Being discriminated for being gay can't be the reason either because that's an important part when it comes to the gay uke x straight seme trope and not having sex is no indicator for how realistic it is (besides, all shounen ai don't have sex scenes).
    I can't judge what happened after the I'm only gay for you chapter (that's when I dropped it) but the chapters that came before that were simply very short and without much content, hence why it takes the author so long to finish the story. The actual content is still the same as in every other BL story with that plotline, hence why I don't think the pacing makes this any more realistic than any other of those BL stories (straight seme falls for gay uke but is still definitely, totally straight. Straight guy really wants a relationship with gay guy but gay guy is too afraid to be hurt and thinks the straight guy would be happier living a straight life with a wife and kids. At some point there's a flashback to when the gay guy was dumped by either a straight guy or someone who decided to get married for the sake of his image. It ends with either the seme being the straight knight in shining armor who comes to rescue the gay guy from his lonely life despite being constantly pushed away or with the gay guy having to chase a little bit after the straight guy. And for some reason, at least one of them is still a virgin.).
    All I see here is the typical BL story and I'm starting to wonder if the people who call it the most realistic BL simply haven't read many other BL stories or if there's another reason for it.

    Marian_Llama July 10, 2019 8:39 am

    Okay, I normally don’t do this but everyone keeps on talking about how realistic this love story is. Well I can one up all of y’all. Tap on this link and read this story and tell me that this isn’t a well-paced thought out BL that is in a league of it’s own. It’ll have you thinking twice about what you call a realistic relationship. Also, read the author’s summary (ALL OF IT) because it gives you a background history on WHY she’s writing that story. Anywho, toodles!

    crack dad July 10, 2019 9:01 am
    Just out of curiosity, why is this the most realistic one? People here constantly praise the story for how realistic it is but they never really say why. The fact that one character is gay can't be it because g... awwi

    I wouldn't say it's the MOST realistic BL story but it's a good example of a gem hidden amidst Mangago's one shot smuts and stories with toxic tropes. Some may find issues with the pacing, but that seems to be the minority opinion, but I think that may be a flaw that could be reasonably overlooked.

    awwi July 10, 2019 9:09 am
    I wouldn't say it's the MOST realistic BL story but it's a good example of a gem hidden amidst Mangago's one shot smuts and stories with toxic tropes. Some may find issues with the pacing, but that seems to be ... crack dad

    Do you mean that it's more realistic than porn? Because it sounds like you're comparing it to porn and that's why you think it's realistic.

    crack dad July 10, 2019 11:54 am
    Do you mean that it's more realistic than porn? Because it sounds like you're comparing it to porn and that's why you think it's realistic. awwi

    There are 'Shounen ai' stories that remain without sex and here U are is still significantly better than them with their two-dimensional characters and relationships. That's why I mentioned "one shot smuts AND stories with toxic tropes."

    awwi July 10, 2019 12:17 pm
    There are 'Shounen ai' stories that remain without sex and here U are is still significantly better than them with their two-dimensional characters and relationships. That's why I mentioned "one shot smuts AND ... crack dad

    So you like it better than (most of) the rest, which is finde, but that's just still not much of a reason to call it more realistic or most realistic BL, which was my initial question. Here U are also has problematic tropes and uses stereotypes. It's one thing to say "I like this one better than the rest" but it's constantly called the most realistic BL and so far I haven't heard a valid reason why this is the most realistic BL out there from anyone in this comment section.

    awwi July 10, 2019 12:18 pm
    So you like it better than (most of) the rest, which is finde, but that's just still not much of a reason to call it more realistic or most realistic BL, which was my initial question. Here U are also has probl... awwi

    *which is fine

    crack dad July 10, 2019 1:41 pm
    So you like it better than (most of) the rest, which is finde, but that's just still not much of a reason to call it more realistic or most realistic BL, which was my initial question. Here U are also has probl... awwi

    Well, that's your opinion baby but the majority believes its realistic. It's not that hard to understand lol. No ones saying its this groundbreaking and progressive story. It's still yaoi, not lgbt representional fiction. Although, in strictly my opinion, I consider here U are a slither of that. But again, that's just what I (and most) believe.

    crack dad July 10, 2019 1:42 pm
    *which is fine awwi

    And you depicting what is a valid reason is to your standards alone.

    Anonymous July 10, 2019 1:45 pm
    Just out of curiosity, why is this the most realistic one? People here constantly praise the story for how realistic it is but they never really say why. The fact that one character is gay can't be it because g... awwi

    Istgg u said it all thats absolutely FREAKING facts

    awwi July 10, 2019 2:09 pm
    Well, that's your opinion baby but the majority believes its realistic. It's not that hard to understand lol. No ones saying its this groundbreaking and progressive story. It's still yaoi, not lgbt represention... crack dad

    You're acting pretty condescending again. Stop calling me baby. You didn't answer my question and you still didn't give me a reason why it's realistic, you just told me why you like it.
    I wasn't addressing you when I asked the question. When I wrote my post you're reply wasn't there. And you yourself praised it after the last update for being progressive ("i've been preaching about how well written and progressive this manga was until I was blue in the face!" I can look this up within a few seconds under your activities), just as many others did.
    Please don't answer me anymore.

    Anonymous July 10, 2019 2:23 pm
    You're acting pretty condescending again. Stop calling me baby. You didn't answer my question and you still didn't give me a reason why it's realistic, you just told me why you like it. I wasn't addressing you ... awwi

    Why are you getting so pressed damn LOLLL someone needs to take a break from the internet. Go treat yourself to bubble bath or somethin girl.