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Dulce July 11, 2019 8:36 pm

I was re-reading Heeso-Dojun chapters, and I might be reaching to Atlantis but I think it was vaguely stated that Dojun's interest in Heeso (since he is a beta) was the reason behind his bussiness. Also in the same chapter when Heeso's dad tells him to said something to Dojun and it was "Congratulations" that happened in Dojun's wedding.

(I tried to post this earlier when I wasn't logged in but couldn't)

    TinyTokyo22 July 12, 2019 12:32 am

    You are correct. I think the wife found out why Dojun started the business and thats why they divorced

    xxminixkittyx July 12, 2019 3:19 am
    You are correct. I think the wife found out why Dojun started the business and thats why they divorced TinyTokyo22

    Yo so indirectly Heeso was responsible for the divorce.

    1000.hydrangeas July 12, 2019 4:18 am

    I have no idea it was on Dojun's wedding.. thanks!