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How many year Kousaka work at the bar? He work at the bar but can't noticed at all. Is he ...

naughty old boy January 17, 2014 3:47 am

How many year Kousaka work at the bar? He work at the bar but can't noticed at all. Is he sleep-walker or he just left his brain behind or he doesn't know the different about gay and guy 'cause people come at the bar all man and he never be kiss by gay (ha....ha...ha) but Yuuichi and Fumi kiss Kousaka.
Yuuichi and Fumi is weird if Fumi not happy Yuuichi not fell well, because Kousaka make different "side car" make Fumi disappointed and disappear make Yuuichi angry and rape Kousaka at bar (Yuuichi is a shit gay). If Fumi not Yuuichi lover why he so upset and who is this Sakumi and where did Sakumi go? Sakumi and Fumi is match like to disappear without tell anything (is all gay is weird and hard to understand?). So Kousaka get out with Fumi and Yuuichi if they can become couple Kousaka will pick who?

    MOI? November 2, 2014 9:04 pm

    Haha nah, it's more -i think- what you call 'tunnel vission' (i think?) You only focus on what you're supposed to do or interested in rather on what's surrounding you