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I see that there are several freaking out about a troupe that has played out in manga for ...

Anonymous July 13, 2019 11:13 am

I see that there are several freaking out about a troupe that has played out in manga for I don't know how long now; the only thing that has changed is that said troupe has gained popularity.

    Anonymous July 17, 2019 5:25 am

    It's not the age gap thing. It's the deception thing! That's what what's wrong with this "trope" so... the consent is very dubious here.

    Anonymous July 17, 2019 9:19 pm
    It's not the age gap thing. It's the deception thing! That's what what's wrong with this "trope" so... the consent is very dubious here. @Anonymous

    You would have a point if the two were doing something more than hanging out together. But there has been manga that contain an even more iffy setup setup than this. The one in this manga is nothing to freak out over to be quite honest.

    Anonymous July 18, 2019 12:42 pm
    You would have a point if the two were doing something more than hanging out together. But there has been manga that contain an even more iffy setup setup than this. The one in this manga is nothing to freak ... @Anonymous

    I did have a point and the point was that the consent is DUBIOUS because a kid is being tricked into believing she has an acceptable friend. But she doesn't even know her friend is an adult. And the adult really should have 'fessed up right away. Why didn't she? That's what's so damn weird about it. Why didn't she?

    Anonymous July 19, 2019 4:38 am
    I did have a point and the point was that the consent is DUBIOUS because a kid is being tricked into believing she has an acceptable friend. But she doesn't even know her friend is an adult. And the adult rea... @Anonymous

    Sorry but no, that still isn't a good point because both are assuming the other is a high school girl, and there are manga out there that have depicted a relationship between a girl and a woman which has reached a more iffy situation than this. Quite honestly, this manga is nothing to freak out over.

    trinityanne July 19, 2019 6:09 am
    I did have a point and the point was that the consent is DUBIOUS because a kid is being tricked into believing she has an acceptable friend. But she doesn't even know her friend is an adult. And the adult rea... @Anonymous

    both are not being truthful with each other seeing as how the older woman things the much younger girl is actually in high school

    Heavensrun July 19, 2019 9:09 pm
    both are not being truthful with each other seeing as how the older woman things the much younger girl is actually in high school trinityanne

    Yeah, but children can't be held responsible for their actions the way adults can. The adult is taking advantage of the kid and lying to her. This is not okay.

    The fact that it's not sexual doesn't make it okay. The fact that other manga is worse doesn't mean this isn't still wrong.

    trinityanne July 19, 2019 10:19 pm
    Yeah, but children can't be held responsible for their actions the way adults can. The adult is taking advantage of the kid and lying to her. This is not okay.The fact that it's not sexual doesn't make it oka... Heavensrun

    true however as long as things in this do not turn sexual i do not have much of a problem with them hanging on and getting to know each other even with the age gap because really at the end of the day as long as things do not turn sexual their relationship is still pretty much that of nothing more than friends getting together to hang out and honestly even though i am pushing 40 i have teenagers i know around my area that come over and chat with me quite often keep in mind they are all kids who's parents and even in some cases grandparents are friends of my family or myself for many years which i understand is a little different however still as long as things are kept non sexual i as a parent do not see much of an issue even more so if the young girl here ends up better off mentally or just in general more mature basically as long as the young one is unharmed through them knowing each other i have no problem with it at all

    Heavensrun July 20, 2019 3:45 am

    I don't think there's anything wrong with kids and adults being friends, I have a problem with adults lying to kids in order to befriend them. ;p

    Heavensrun July 20, 2019 3:47 am

    I mean, as a matter of morality. That said, a story does not have to be about moral people, so I don't have a problem with the story, or people reading the story, as long as they realize this shit isn't okay to do IRL. ;p

    trinityanne July 20, 2019 8:26 am
    I mean, as a matter of morality. That said, a story does not have to be about moral people, so I don't have a problem with the story, or people reading the story, as long as they realize this shit isn't okay to... Heavensrun

    i think i stated this before though you have entirely gone towards the fact that the older one was not truthful and yet the younger one is also at fault as well seeing as how she has not corrected the older woman on her real age so all in all 2 wrongs do not make a right regardless of if it is in a manga or real life 2 wrongs never make a right it is literally that simple though i will admit the discourse has been nice for a change lol

    Heavensrun July 21, 2019 12:21 am
    i think i stated this before though you have entirely gone towards the fact that the older one was not truthful and yet the younger one is also at fault as well seeing as how she has not corrected the older wom... trinityanne

    Yeah, and I already said, you can't hold an 11 year old responsible for their mistakes the way you can an adult. Yeah, they're both lying, but there is a reason we don't try children for crimes the way we do adults, or let children live on their own, or let adults and children have romantic relationships. Children do not know enough to make informed decisions and choices. They're literally incapable of informed consent, that's why statutory rape is a thing. kids and adults can have friendships, but with that friendship comes responsibilities on the part of the adult that the child doesn't have.

    Even without any sexual behavior, one of them is a child, and the other one is an adult. The adult holds all the responsibility in this situation. She should know better. The kid is a kid. The adult should be the one to guide the kid not to do bad things, like lying to friends, but that's the point, she can't do that, because she is herself lying.

    trinityanne July 22, 2019 7:01 pm
    Yeah, and I already said, you can't hold an 11 year old responsible for their mistakes the way you can an adult. Yeah, they're both lying, but there is a reason we don't try children for crimes the way we do a... Heavensrun

    i think where you and i are missing each other is that BOTH of them think the other is much older or younger than the other so really there is no blame or fault to go around at all both are lying about their ages at this point that is what i have been getting at this whole time the older woman is under the impression that the other girl is in fact a high school age teen and not 11 years old so all in all no blame and really no legal action could really be taken due to the simple fact that Neither party involved has been TRUTHFUL about their ages to each other and honestly i think if their real ages come out at some point in this story that their relationship will change a bit but lets wait and see

    Heavensrun July 27, 2019 9:52 pm

    It doesn't matter. Two wrongs don't make a right. The fact that someone, unbeknownst to you, is lying about something, does not make it okay to lie to them. It doesn't mean nobody is at fault, it means They're _both in the wrong_. But the child is LESS in the wrong, because kids don't know better. an 11 year old pretending to be 15 or 16 is wrong, and she should come clean and be chastised for it so she can learn to better understand what she should have done.

    A 35 year old woman pretending to be a high school girl has absolutely no excuse. Barring serious mental or psychological handicaps, she should know better. This is bordering on criminal behavior, whether the teenager she thinks she's hanging out with is an actual teen or an 11 year old that told a fib.