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Kelly July 13, 2019 5:58 pm

I feel like the ending was a bit rush. There were many questions left unanswered.

Firstly, what happened to the sly purple hair fox (hak anhee something)?? In the end absolutely nothing bad happened to her so it feels incomplete to me. And didn't they say her company absorbed the female lead's fortune? Then how come giryungs father (who wants her to be his daughter in law) offered to give her back her fortune??? Where does that money come from?

Secondly, the boss still hasn't gotten his reply from the female lead yet. I mean she refused him but I haven't seen a scene where she honestly and straightforwardly refused him all she did was being flustered.

Thirdly, joowon's backstory? How did he become like that? His first love? And in the scene where the female lead blackwd out cos of the drug, didn't she see joowon's dead body from the past? What happened then? I feel like the scene was included for no reasons and it wasn't necessary.

And the charges the glasses guy faced in the end seem to light for me. Alrho the story didn't mention exactly what he was charged with, it gives off this non serious vibe. I mean he did so many wrong things: attempted sexual assault, violence and even attempted murder.

Anyways altho I feel like the story is lacking , I still gave it five stars becos the art is FANTASTIC, the romance is cute and the kiss scenes omgthey r too cute I love the main couple so much. Binge read this from 11 to 4 in the morningit was worth it for me
