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unpopular opinion

bakeneko July 15, 2019 5:06 am

I know many people will disagree to this, (you already don't like where this is going, i know, sorry hahaha)
But id really prefer if minki will go back to wonho and everything will work out. I know wonho is at fault for trying to be selfish and think that he can have minki and his work through his means but still, I can somehow relate, i mean if you would just look on the other side of the coin, he really love minki and he just got depressed because minki got popular first and it made him feel miserable knowing that he does not have any work and just somehow did not know just what to do, but still he still love minki he just grew dependent of doing "services" to get work and he does not know what to do, long story short he was lost. Anywaaaayy i can still say a lot of things but im kinda lazy in typing lol hahahaha. So in conclusion i want wonho and minki back end of story.

    Oppa_cos_hyung July 15, 2019 2:11 pm

    Yeah I can see where you coming from. I also had these kinds of thoughts about those two. I couldn’t really say those things though because the comment section is cruel sadly

    Gei™ July 16, 2019 2:39 pm

    I mean, I see where you're coming from and on chapters like this theres a sliver of ur opinion coming out in me, but this doesnt justify a lot of the other things hes done to minki. So first they're healthy and loving right? Then wonho starts cheating simply because he's jealous. Even when minki forgives him n tells him to stop, wonho doesn't because of envy. Then the relationship continues downward: Wonho won't allow minki to be with men he thinks are threats to their relationship although hes the cheater, he RAPES minki in an episode i believe (minki continuosly says stop and whether that was half thru sex, consent can ALWAYS be revoked at ANY time), and its overall ABUSIVE. Its not even a matter of cheating. TLDR; Wonho has mentally, sexually, and probably physically ABUSED minki so many times. At this point the only time they couldve changed was when minki first forgave him for cheating.

    bakeneko July 16, 2019 2:47 pm
    I mean, I see where you're coming from and on chapters like this theres a sliver of ur opinion coming out in me, but this doesnt justify a lot of the other things hes done to minki. So first they're healthy and... Gei™

    And that's where our opinions differ and where our views took different ways

    Gei™ July 18, 2019 1:58 am
    And that's where our opinions differ and where our views took different ways bakeneko

    Fair, also even if he loves minki, minki's moving on, sadly. I would cheer for both teams if it were for what was said in my tldr. Also ur opinion isnt too unpopular i think. Its just see other sides to Wonho (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Sachiko July 20, 2019 6:16 am

    Except your opinion isn't unpopular since it sees Minki as the sole victim in the relationship, as 'Gei' does, as well. The fact that you (specifically) see him as the sole victim and then defend his abuser is more common than not. But the problem is that when you both talk about Wonho's cheating you don't think that you might be incorrectly ascribing what drives him (as I've said before this is different from judging anyone by the reasons for their actions. Whether the reason is 'good' enough or not is irrelevant, after all. And all I'm simply saying is that, in that case, you'd be doing the same thing as someone accusing a person who's hand they see raised in front of another person of trying to hit the other person when in fact they were protecting THEMSELVES from being hit.) Sure Minki is a victim of Wonho's rape and abusive behavior.

    Slight spoilers ahead:

    But Wonho's cheating is not what you think it is. His actions are not done out of jealousy. They're done out of shame, as he thought he was unworthy of being at Minki's side the way he was. And what 'Gei' said about Wonho not 'allowing' Minki to be with other men despite the fact that he's the cheater can also be applied in a similar manner to Minki, despite the fact that his acting skills are not as extensive as Wonho's he still gets more opportunities as he's wealthy and has more backers while Wonho was poor and had few, if any, backers, yet Minki refuses to believe Wonho when he tells him about the sponsors that Minki, himself, sent his way, acting differently when Minki isn't there to see them..