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A favourite

Arbitrage July 15, 2019 6:31 am

I reread this manga a few times each year, and have been for many years (since maybe 2012...?).
This will ALWAY be one of my favourite manga (both this and it's prequel); it portrays a very mature and realistic love scenario, and all the the characters are flawed to a fault, making them more likable and believable. I just really adore the complexity of the emotions and desires between Imagase and Kyouichi.
I genuinely dont think you can get the most out of this manga in one go, rereading it give the reader and opportunity to really delve into the dialogue that is said and find the nuances of how each of the characters are feeling at the time.

Unlike most manga Ive read, this one has a lot of unspoken words conveyed more through action.

    Arbitrage September 27, 2019 12:01 pm

    Came back for another re-read and god, the same line always has the biggest impact on me:
    When Tamaki tells Kyouichi that his love is unrequited.

    The entire series it's portrayed as if Imagase is the one with an unrequited love, but really both of their forms of love are unrequited in one way or another.

    This story really is an example of how people express love differently, making partners that do love each other feels unloved/that their love isn't returned. Imagase's love is very verbal and outright, whereas Kyouichi tends to express his love through actions and gestures.

    Sandikay0 November 9, 2019 6:12 pm

    Prequel? What is the name of the prequel, please.