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I got the whole vol today and I wish I never bought it. I thought it would be funny and cu...

yaoi lover January 18, 2014 10:58 pm

I got the whole vol today and I wish I never bought it. I thought it would be funny and cute. But its quite emo and gothic, not really funny. The chapters are short and disconnected. The uke sleeps with 2 guys; and the main character has to witness and live with it. The ending is inconclusive and random. Its like everything I hate. Its not bad, just not my thing. The art is good and the dialogue wasnt bad. Some might enjoy it but I really just want to give the book away for free.

    BloodyRabbit February 10, 2014 5:00 am

    So, it's emotional? Is that what you meant by 'emo'?

    Kyoko March 2, 2014 3:15 pm

    D: Hate ending and plot like that! DX

    Miss. T June 19, 2014 4:25 pm

    I'm second that!!
    But, I am okay with emotionally manga. Some manga that will crave a very deep meaning inside my chest
    But, this manga just a big no-no-no for me.
    So NO full hearts for this (~♥♥) or NO half hearts too (~♡♡) NO!